Chelsie & Brian

November 30, 2024 • Angleton, TX, USA

Chelsie & Brian

November 30, 2024 • Angleton, TX, USA

Our Story

Neighbors to Newlyweds


The beginning started out with a simple question: Do you want me to bring you back anything from Whataburger?

Nothing more Texan than that.

Chelsie and Brian met more in terms of destiny than luck. Lucky people find others from across the bar, searching online, or through friends of you know who’s.

Destiny requires two paths to convert into a single road.

For Chelsie and Brian, that road merged onto a single road off of Tiki Drive. Next door neighbors to be exact.

It took several years before the couple jumped to speaking terms.

A dead fire alarm harmonizing an entire house to its late night candor allowed for the first real step into the journey. Brian’s mother walked next door to request a 9 volt battery to end the shrieking alarm. Chelsie gifted a package of batteries. It was just supposed to be a simple neighborly gesture, but Brian saw his opportunity to speak to Chelsie.

With the game plan set in place, the 9 volt battery replacements were purchased. Brian walked next door to drop off the batteries in the evening of the following weekend. Hoping to run across Chelsie, he walked the batteries up to find Chelsie’s best friend: Hannah (The Maid of Honor) sitting outside. Plan seemed to fail until Hannah said he can come over to hang at with Chelsie and Hannah whenever he see's them hanging out outside.

Brian had his in.

A couple weeks passed, Brian found Chelsie sitting down by herself night fishing. Nervous, all he did was say, “having any luck?” Thankfully, that first conversation went on for an hour. No fish were captured though. Chelsie then invited Brian to hang out next time they were hanging out downstairs. Simple gesture.. but just the ease of the conversation, was a good sign of things to come.

Chelsie and Brian started with the millennial first steps of knowing each other: texting.

Eventually the journey next door for the first official hangout occurred.

One of the first rules Hannah gave to Brian was “you are more than welcome to come hang out with us, but you cannot hit on us.”


Due to some distance, it took time for the paths to begin to merge into a road. In October of 2020, the simple first date occurred. (Brian to this day does not know if Chelsie considered it a first date) as Brian played it as casual as he could.

After that day, their relationship was off to the races. The first official will you be my girlfriend question was popped after the annual Christmas party in December of 2020. Of course the reply was not a yes. It was a, “I thought I already was... I have been telling everyone at work you were my boyfriend.” It should be no surprise that Brian was late to asking the question. (It did take him years just to get to this point.)

Time started to fly by, and the miles really racked up. But each other only kept getting closer. On his parent’s wedding day in June of 2023, Brian tricked Chelsie into going on a boat ride with him. Chelsie’s family was able to set up trap, a floating fishing pole in the water. Brian drove the boat towards it and signaled for Chelsie to pickup what was in the water. Tied to the string at the end of the fishing pole was a sign. As she finished reeling it up, being the staging guru Chelsie is, the first words out of her mouth was “omg look décor.” Then as she held it out a little longer, and finally read it.

It stated:

" Will You Marry Me? "

Brian got the yes.

With that yes, Chelsie and Brian’s paths had fully merged into a single road.