Frequently Asked Questions:
FAQs About Directions, Transportation and Accommodations
What are the addresses of the wedding ceremony and reception venues?
Ceremony Address & Reception Address:
1950 County Rd 220, Angleton, TX 77515
Are they wheelchair accessible?
Wheelchair access is available (although the reception's second floor is only accessible by a staircase.)
What is the easiest way to get to and from your wedding venue?
Is there parking available near your wedding venue(s)?
Yes, there is a large parking lot with ample parking spaces within short walking distance of the venue.
Will your wedding be indoors or outdoors?
There will be an outdoor ceremony as well as an indoor reception.
Have you reserved blocks of rooms at one or more hotels?
Yes. We have reserved blocks at two nearby hotels. Detailed hotel information can be found under the "Travel" tab.
Will there be a shuttle to and/or from the hotel(s)?
Yes, we will have shuttle buses providing transportation for the night. The shuttle bus holds 20-26 people.
Wedding Dress Code FAQs
What is the dress code for your wedding?
Formal / Cocktail Attire.
Are there any colors or styles you'd prefer me to wear?
We kindly ask that gentlemen wear a suit or dress shirt with a tie and women wear a floor-length evening gown, midi- or knee-length dress, or dressy separates.
What is the weather like in the area?
The average temperature in Angleton, Texas in November is 64 degrees, with a maximum of 72.2 degrees and a minimum of 57.7 degrees.
FAQs About RSVPs
Can I RSVP online or do I have to mail in an RSVP card?
Guests can RSVP online on our website under the 'RSVP' tab at the top of the page.
What date should I RSVP by?
Kindly respond by October 25th 2024.
FAQs About Menu and Dietary Restrictions
What type of food will be served at your wedding?
Tex - Mex.
Will there be an open bar?
FAQs About Wedding Registry and Gifts
Could you give me a link to your wedding registry?
Detailed information about our registry can be found under the registry tab.
Where should we bring/send our wedding gift?
Wedding gifts can be mailed or delivered to:
3904 Kensington Dr. Sanger, Texas 76266
Wedding Weekend Itinerary FAQs
What is the wedding day itinerary?
What time should I arrive at your wedding ceremony?
4:00 PM
What time will your wedding reception end?
11:30 PM
Will there be a time gap between your wedding ceremony and reception?
Could you suggest places to eat, drink and see while I am in town for your wedding?
Yes. You will find this information located under the "Things To Do" tab.
Other Common FAQs
What is your wedding hashtag?
Am I allowed to take photos at your wedding?
Can I post wedding photos on social media?
Where will wedding updates be posted?
All wedding updates will be posted here on our website.
I have more questions about your wedding, who can I contact?
Chelsie's Phone: 713-979-6049
Brian's Phone: 940-634-9972